Join the Permaculture Movement:A Transformative 12-Days Course in Ghana
From 10th – 22nd June 2024, at Escape3points Ecolodge:
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Datei herunterladen: Nature's Wisdom and Human Innovation Converge
Located in the stunning landscape of Ghana's Cape Three Points, the Escape3points Ecolodge is more than just a venue; it's a living embodiment of permaculture principles. Here, you'll immerse yourself in an environment where sustainable living is not just practiced but celebrated. Every meal is a taste to local, organic produce, and the sun's energy fuels your educational journey.
Empowering Educators, Enriching Communities
This isn't just a course; it's a mission to ignite change. We're uniting a diverse group of individuals, from local leaders to global permaculture enthusiasts, for an intensive 12-days journey into the core of permaculture. Covering topics from soil health to urban permaculture, our aim is to prepare you with the knowledge and skills to become agents of change, whether in educational settings or within your communities.
This training program is organized by Soned e.V. Berlin, Escape Three Points Ecolodge, Ghana Instinct and Ghana Permaculture Institute (GPI), in West Africa.
Join us for an intensive 12-days training that will provide you with an invaluable toolkit to use in the classroom, as well as life in general. Whether you are already a teacher, or thinking of becoming one, this training makes teaching a transformative and fun exchange. Indoor and outdoor classrooms will never be the same again!
While this course has a specific focus on facilitating permaculture education and becoming an independent trainer, the course is designed for anyone who wants to teach permaculture. The course will help participants to:
-Change the way they think about education
-Move towards a permaculture teaching career
-Empower others with life-changing skills
-Learn to pass on knowledge of permaculture theory and practice in ways that create real change in their students and activates entire communities
-Foster connections with an international community of permaculture teachers
The training will take place at Ecolodge Escape3points in Ghana situated on the North Atlantic Ocean. Escape3points is one of the closest eco lodges to the center of the earth.
Escape3points Ecolodge, nestled on the pristine Cape Three Points beach in Ghana, offers an unparalleled, eco-conscious experience. Our lodge offers eclectic accommodations, a farm-to-table restaurant, and a unique bar with homemade spirits. Enjoy bonfires and beachside dining and dancing. Guests can indulge in yoga, beach gym, parcours training, swimming, or surfing. As a pioneer of sustainability, we're powered by the sun, embrace composting toilets, and our buildings are lovingly crafted from local, recycled materials. Ideal for families, couples, volunteers, and surfers alike, we champion sea turtle conservation and celebrate local gems like the lighthouse and forest reserve. Here, it's not just a getaway – it's a journey into the heart of “Nature and Sustainable Living”.
You can see more about Escape3points at or on the Instagram page Escape3points.
Purpose of the training
The purpose of this training is to deliver sustainable skills for economic empowerment and ecological protection
-Currently, there are very few locals who are certified in green building and sustainable, affordable housing in the nearby villages, despite increased demand for these skills from national and international people moving to and building in the area.
-Local farmers use “slash and burn” techniques and use chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
-There is a plethora of incredible nature surrounding the area that tourists want to experience but currently, there is only a handful of local people who utilize this for eco-positive incomes.
-Our ecolodge will host a 12-days intensive permaculture design course for trainers and multipliers. 15 selected representatives of the communities, willing to train others will take part.
-We also offer places for international participants to integrate and diversify perspectives.
Course begins on: Monday, 10th June, 2024
Course ends on: Saturday, 22nd June, 2024
Certificates ceremony followed by optional dinner and party on Saturday, 22nd June. Participants are welcome and encouraged to stay the night and there will be breakfast the next morning.
Permakultur Community Lernzentrum am Cape Three Points in Ghana
Am Kap der 3 Spitzen, dem Ort, wo vor 340 Jahren der Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg die Küste besetzen und 3 Festungen errichten ließ, um von hier aus am Sklavenhandel zu partizipieren, wird nun ein Permakultur-Lernzentrum errichtet, um die lokale Bevölkerung bei der Anpassung an den Klimawandel und im Kampf für eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu unterstützen.
Am Cape3points in West-Ghana soll ein Community Learning Center für lokale Nachhaltigkeit entstehen. Dafür wird ein multifunktionales Bauwerk aus Bambus, Rafia und Bastmatten errichtet und mit Brunnenwasser und Solarstrom sowie Kompost-Toiletten versorgt. Hier soll eine Bibliothek und ein Ort für Workshops und Seminare entstehen, die sich in vielfältiger Weise mit Aspekten nachhaltiger Lebens- und Wirtschaftsweise beschäftigen und Umweltschutzmaßnahmen sowie ökologische Geschäftsideen in der Umgebung umsetzen, begleiten und weiterentwickeln. Die Angebote sollen sich an verschiedene Zielgruppen (Kinder, Frauen, Farmer, Fischer...) in 10 Dörfern der umliegenden Region richten und in der Projektphase bereits 200 Menschen qualifizieren.
The Facilitation Team
Linda Kabaira as the leading trainer. She is a certified sustainability educator, environmentalist, and sustainable food systems designer working in the fertile intersection of education, transdisciplinary research, agroecology practice and climate change. She leads a generation of regenerative designers and educators in Zimbabwe working in educational institutions and communities across the country in the development of policy guidance related to Education for sustainable development framework and projects strengthening climate change resilience, food security and livelihood development.
Co-faciliators will be Linda Limbadega, Selasse, Elham, Kipper, and Akwasi McLaren – you'll dive into permaculture ethics, ecosystem complexities, and sustainable living practices. Our hands-on approach ensures you're not just learning theories but actively engaging in planting, designing, and building sustainable systems.
Learn from the Land, Teach for Tomorrow
This course is for…
Interested local multipliers from surrounding communities who want to become permaculture ambassadors. These are selected representatives of the communities, willing to train others and expand permaculture networks.
Also internationals with previous permaculture design knowledge are welcome to participate.
A Fusion of Local Insight and Global Perspectives
Through this unique course you will also learn the intersection of local knowledge joint with international perspective aiming at empowering those tackling environmental challenges on day to day basis. Your participation contributes to a larger movement reshaping lives and landscapes in Ghana and beyond.
The intensive 12-days course will include the following topics:
- -Permaculture Ethics: Earth care - people care - fair share
- -Permaculture design principles will be explained, observed and illustrated in a series of group sessions at a house and garden remodeled to reflect permaculture sustainability principles.
- -Broad scale site design – functional design development
- -Designing own home/kitchen garden
Beyond sustainability
- -Learn different techniques to observe and interact with the environment
- -Natural patterns: designing micro-climates
- -Connect and integrate food with housing and nature
- -Soils, water, plants and animals
- -Trees and their transactions
- -Creating resilient food forests
- -Social permaculture, building networks
We design the world we want
- -Renewable energy and natural building
- -Designing our green homes and communities through permaculture
- -Alternative economics
- -Understanding product processing and preservation
- -Restoring nature through permaculture design and design for resilience against disasters
- -Outcome of the training: participants design project, designed map presentation and graduation
Investing in a Greener Future
Our intention for this training is to fundraise to offer scholarships to local farmers, fisherman and low income participants. We normally offer a sliding scale for this course, and ask participants to offer what they can pay. The scale is between €900-€1300 for this professional, certified training. Those who can afford to pay more on the higher end of the scale will help those who can only pay less. The sliding scale recognizes the differences in economic reality depending on what country a participant comes from, as well as their individual circumstances, so this is a practical way that people with more resources can act in solidarity. We don’t offer reduced-fee work exchange options because this is an intensive course, and we want every participant to be able to get the most out of it and not have to sacrifice learning because they can’t pay a certain amount.
Your fees include:
- -Three healthy organic meals a day plus snacks, tea, and coffee (all mostly local whenever possible)
- -A permaculture design course certificate issued by the Permakultur Institut e.V. Germany.
- -A pack of digital teaching resources
- -A new generation of permaculture teachers and doers for you to join!
Accommodation options range from shared dormitories to private rooms. You can choose to lodge in shared dormitory or in a private bedroom. The cost of the dormitory is included in the price of the course, and a private bedroom costs 17€ per night extra (17€/night @ 12 nights = 204€ extra). If you have a medical need for a private bedroom and can’t afford the extra cost, please contact us.
The Adventure begins on: 10th June, 2024
Embark on this transformative journey with us. The course concludes with a celebration of learning and community connections – a certificate ceremony, a communal dinner, and a night of shared stories and talents. Extend your stay to experience the dawn of new possibilities.
Ready to Be Part of the Change?
Discover more and sign up at the link below. Join us this March and be an integral part of a global permaculture movement that's actively crafting a better, more sustainable world, one community at a time.
Hope to see you in June 2024!
Sign up for the course HERE:
For further information or questions please contact: Cape Three Points, Western Region, Ghana on +233 26 721 8700.
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Datei herunterladen:
Das Lernzentrum folgt einem holistischen Ansatz: Wissensvermittlung über Gefährdung und Schutz der Meeresschildkröten wird mit einer Strandsäuberung und einem Upcycling-Kunstworkshop verbunden. Bei einem Workshop über ausgewogene gesunde Ernährung für Frauen mit Kindern wird im Permakultur-Garten reifes Gemüse geerntet und gemeinsam verarbeitet und verköstigt. Hier sollen Ausbildungsplätze für ökologisches Bauen und permakulturelles Gestalten entstehen. Damit soll dieses Zentrum in die umliegende Region ausstrahlen und eine enkeltaugliche Entwicklung anstoßen, die den Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen zum Wohl der lokalen Bevölkerung in den Fokus nimmt und umweltgefährdende Praktiken durch ökologische Alternativen ersetzt. Dabei kann auch Öko-Tourismus eine Rolle spielen, wenn die Wertschöpfungskette größtenteils in den Händen der lokalen Bevölkerung bleibt.
Wir als SONED Berlin sind froh, dieses Projekt unterstützen zu können und haben Förderung beim BMZ beantragt, sowie eine bereits zugesagte Kofinanzierung von der Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken. Weitere Anfragen sind bei der Stiftung Umverteilen und beim Lush Charity pot gestellt. Für den fehlenden Eigenanteil an der Finanzierung bieten wir noch Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten, sie hier: